Monthly Archives: October 2012

Cassandra Clare, October is anti-Bullying month: on hiatuses and hate blogs

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via Cassandra Clare, October is anti-Bullying month: on hiatuses and hate blogs.

Okay, so here’s the thing, I’m luckily not yet famous enough for there to be hate blogs about me. (My alter egos/pen names? Who knows, probably.)

The thing is, I was bullied in middle school. I was bullied in college. And I did *not* handle it with saintly serenity. I didn’t fight back, but I did end up needing counseling for depression.

I faced religious ignorance when I was in college, and I still feel the hurt and rage associated with that.

Hell, I’ve even been flamed by one person who decided that after reading one story, it would be proper to send flames of *all* of them because that person didn’t believe I was right in how I handled a character.


I am not going to share specifics, because at this point I don’t think I’d be able to say something without violent cursing and more stress than I need or want.

October is anti-bullying month and I want to throw my hands way up and say: Bullying is wrong, hurtful, and has long-lasting effects. The internet has made it easier, but we can stop it.

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