Monthly Archives: January 2014

A beautiful meditation on the philosophy of 12-tonal

This is more than just an experiment that results in some pretty wonderful and slightly disturbing nursery rhymes. It’s a mediation on the philosophy of context and tonality and the creative motion.

Give it a listen.


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January 10, 2014 · 4:35 pm

From here until December

So, I’ve started this blog three times now.

I’m trying to figure out why I haven’t made this more of a priority.

So, I’ve been looking at the psychology of self-doubt and authenticity and mastery. I’m not going to delve into all of the invisible scripts and things that are in my head.

You’ll want to check out this post from Ramit Sethi at I Will Teach You To Be Rich. (Not actually a scam. I’ve used his book and love it.)

The things that are actually holding me back is this stupid indecision of how I’m going to approach my career as a writer and what I’m going to write. I am going to be a hybrid writer. I’m going to author-publish some items and pursue traditional publishing as well. Can’t hurt right?

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway was very helpful to me. I recommend it greatly.

The goal I’m putting on this blog – I will have four posts a month. Large, small, whatever. At least four a month. Maybe it’ll be a video post. Maybe it’ll be links to something I’ve found interesting.

Or maybe it’ll be something that grabbed my attention and could easily be twisted into one or more stories. So, expect to see some interesting tidbits about the period after the first World War up to the Depression. And a few tech specs that are easy to twist into conspiracies or crimes.

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Filed under Research

Malware in Tea Kettles?

This is something most Americans wouldn’t notice. Electric kettles aren’t really, you know, a thing here. But there’s plenty of opportunity for there to be micro-computers in blenders or juicers or coffee-pots. And the idea of this is fascinating.

The Russians are claiming that there are micro-computers hiding inside of electric kettles which leach off of the power supply, find unsecured WiFi, and then become spambots. (The Register) Charlie Stross threw in some good reminders about the availability of the tech. (Trust Me, I’m a Kettle) I suggest following his blog in any case. He’s got some great insights into technological advances.

I was thinking about how this technology could be a positive. You could set up an alternate net for communications and wrap your messages around the powerful government agencies who are trying to destroy your little rebels. Or you could use it to build an inexpensive alternate net for sharing. Or hundreds of little applications that could be hiding everywhere.

It could also be utterly terrifying. The small computers could also be spying on your family, like an old-school bug, but now by connecting to your WiFi and reading your messages. Or, you could create some sort of censoring technology based on this.

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