Category Archives: 2024

Goals for 2024

It’s that time of year again. The one where I set goals and stride enthusiastically towards the future. And when I remember I share the journey and the results. Let’s set some for this year and see if I can get out of the slump of the last year. I wouldn’t have gotten anything posted if not for the assistance of my assistant.

I think that’s a good start:

Goal 1: better utilize the talents of my assistant. Right now I only have her doing social media posting and appointments. I am positive that there are more things and things with more bang for both of us lurking in my to do list.

Goal 2: Up the resale game. I am listing on eBay, Bonanza, and Destashify. I also have a booth at an antique mall that sometimes pays out more than the rent. I need to get more on the ball. Not just to get myself into the red. I need to work on downsizing what’s stacking up into dangerous piles in the house. My mother and father will both be happier if I do.

Goal 3: Post more content on this blog that doesn’t just grab another creator’s work and highlight it. That means flash fiction, extemporaneous essays, and random musings that show up as I am commuting to the shop and back. A little rambling is good for the soul.

Goal 4: Read 60 books

Goal 5: Finish my business degree. This should probably be number one, but we’ll see what we can see.

Goal 6: Get my A1C under 8. The nurse wants me to commit to exercise, but I was honest with her and told her that it wasn’t a priority for me. If I can simply make eating changes, and keep losing weight, that’s my focus.

Goal 7: Keep regular track of the habits and steps that will get me to my goals.

Well lucky #7 and that’s the list for this year. We will see what I can be up doing with it.

Happy New Year, y’all.

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Filed under 2024, goals, Life in Random